Delicious Raw Vegan Sauce Recipes to Complement Your Veggie Snacks

You don’t need to become a raw-vegan fanatic to appreciate the benefits some extra veggie snacks would bring into your life. To make this more attractive and tasty try to mix them with some tasty dips and your diet will change drastically. Any raw vegetable platter, whatever combination you prefer, would taste more appetizing and have more chances to conquer even the most circumspect among us.  Diversify your menu without extra, unwanted calories!

raw vegan sauce recipesThe advantages of a raw-vegan lifestyle is that it does not force you to follow strict rules, leaving a lot of space for personal experimenting and allowing your imagination to step in. Make sure you use vegetables, seeds, nuts and oils that you have around the house and don’t spend too much time cooking them. Put the sauce in the middle of a raw vegetable platter (cucumbers, carrots, celery, bell peppers, broccoli, asparagus are great mixes)- this could make a great snack during your movie night or an original entree for the days when you have guests.

In the following post, you can enjoy three raw vegan sauce recipes that will change the way you feel about vegetables.

Pepper  and Hemp Seeds Sauce

Ingredients: 1 large red bell pepper, 1 cup of hemp seeds, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 tablespoon Tamari sauce, 1/2 teaspoon curry powder, 1/4 cup of filtered water.

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend at high speed until they get to have a creamy texture. If the sauce is too thick, you can also pour some water. Taste it and season it with Tamari sauce and lemon juice, as desired.

See also  Delicious Smoothies for Kids

Cucumber Guacamole

Ingredients: 1 medium cucumber, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1 avocado, a handful of fresh basil, a handful of mint,the juice of one lemon, salt and pepper, 2 tablespoons of agave.

Cut the cucumber and cherry tomatoes, remove the pit from the avocado and put them all in a blender. Add basil and mint and mix. Add lemon, salt and pepper and a little agave nectar (if applicable).

Cashew Sauce with Ricotta and Dried Tomatoes

Ingredients: 1 cup cashew nuts (soaked for 2 hours), the juice of one lemon, salt, 1/2 teaspoon of miso (a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice ,optional), 4 sun-dried and chopped tomatoes, 1/4 cup basil.

Put the cashew nuts in blender and mix them until you get a smooth paste. Add salt, lemon juice and miso. Add a splash of water, then add the tomatoes and basil and mix until well blended.

Hopefully you enjoy these dips as much as I do! If you want, please share your favourite recipe in a comment, below!


  1. Ingrid Khadijah April 1, 2014
    • admin April 2, 2014